Purpose of Marriage

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Some may ask ‘why did God create marriage/what is the purpose of marriage’. In Genesis 2:18, God says it is not good for man to be alone, so He created Adam a mate. God’s ideal for marriage was that both man and woman to enter marriage pure and untouched. He wanted the two to come together naked in every way and then consummate the union. If this act of purity would have been followed through by many, think about how much less drama there would be in relationships. You wouldn’t be comparing your spouse to another person. There would be far less baggage brought into the marriage. Let’s face it, many of us think we are over or past some former relationships, but let your spouse say or do one thing and here come the comparisons. I don’t’ know about you, but honestly I didn’t go into my marriage thinking about God’s purpose or idea for marriage. And I definitely didn’t’ ask Him what was His purpose for my marriage. Many of us go into marriage with our own expectations and agendas without talking to God (and sometimes our spouses) to see if it is in line with what He wants/desires for us. We are so caught up in the “fairytale” of being married and what we think marriage should be that we don’t seek Him to find His purpose for our marriage. But guess what, it’s not too late – nothing is ever too late with God! You and your spouse can go to God together to ask Him what His purpose for your marriage is and begin to walk it out. God created us all with a purpose. Once you become one with your spouse, your individual purposes connect and begins to operate as one purpose for God’s glory. We should always go to God to seek His purpose for every area of our life, especially our marriage.  Questions to think on…When you entered your marriage was it pure? If not, has it effected your marriage? When you entered your marriage, was it based on the “fairy tale” or did you go into it thinking of God’s purpose for your marriage? How are you going to achieve God’s purpose for your marriage (this is where you and your spouse should go to God TOGETHER to seek His will)?

Be blessed...love y'all for real!


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